Ari Goldwag is working on a new album in the style of Sameach at the Wheel, which will get you into the mood for Shabbos. The songs were specially chosen with lyrics from Shabbos davening and zemiros. It features guest star Nochum Stark in two of the four medlies as well as guest performers Yitzy Spinner and Oded Karity. This is the first time the four former Miami soloists will be together on an album since their Miami days. It is perfect for cleaning and baking on Friday or for that ride home from work before Shabbos.
Shloime Dachs will be coming out with an album that is going to be so new, different than any which he has done to date. He has a couple of very nice songs from newcomer Elimelech Blumstein, as well as songs from Yishai Lapidot, Yitzy Waldner and Yo Eisenstark. The songs will be arranged by the top professionals - Moshe Laufer, Yisroel Lamm & Ruvy Banet. The new CD will feature 2 brand new hit Horas & a new chupah song that will blow everyone away.
Michoel Pruzansky has been performing quite a bit lately as he gets ready for the release of his new album, "Pruz 2," which is scheduled for Chanukah time. The album will include a really slow jazzy tune from Yossi Green, and a really 80's style song from Yitzchok Waldner. He is also talking about a music video for a really catchy tune, but we will have to wait and see
Sruly Williger currently recording vocals for an incredible new album that we are all looking forward to,
Yitzchok Rosenthal has assured Jewish Entertainment Magazine that Shalsheles 4 is underway and will be released after Chanukah.
Nosson Schwartzberg is currently working on his debut album. You might remember Nosson from Nochum Stark's Kumzitz album, Sefira, Kumzitz MBD, and Shwekey. Nosson has been part of many choirs over the years, both at live performances and on several albums.
Avi Newmark is hard at work on his next project. A song selection is already in the works,
And finaly for women Chanale is once again in the studio, this time working with 11 unsigned female singer/songwriters to be featured on the upcoming "Chanale & Friends". The album, due out Fall 06', will consist of 2 cds, one of which will contain 10 brand new Chanale songs. You can visit her website www.chanalesings.com for pictures and updates on the much anticipated compilation album.
Thank you Yossi Zweig of Jewish Entertainment Magazine For this news
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