Dov and Sruly are back with another exciting episode of the Sameach Music Podcast. As the Summer winds down they present you with some new songs from albums that have either just been released or about to be released. There won't be show notes for this episode so here are the songs that were played on episode # 38. Azrial Ganz's new CD featuring Aaron Razel, Shlomo Katz and Chaim Dovid K'Shoshana was played, the song was Borei Olam. A new song from Lenny Solomon's new CD, Osher V'Osher.Two new songs from 8th Day's brand new CD Brooklyn. New music from Gad Elbaz's newest CD Between the Drops, a beautiful song titled Yeladim. They interview Jonathan Rimberg, Aaron Appelbaum and Yossi Bayles of
Nafshenu Orchestra. They discuss the new wedding CD A Heimshe Wedding and fill them in on the secrets behind this CD and what you can expect not just on this CD but from the NY based Jewish Orchestra. There is also a new release segment, upcoming concert information, a major announcement about a new concert DVD that is almost done and news on some other concert DVD's.
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