Thursday, November 29, 2007

Waterbury - Ain Mayim Ela Torah - SAMPLER

This album was recorded as a fundraiser for Yeshiva Gedola of Waterbury, and features performances by R' Abish Brodt, Baruch Levine, Shloime Dachs, R' Dov Kielson, Shlomo Schwed (of Menucha), and Shlomie Kaufman (of Emes). Compositions include those of Baruch Levine and talmidim of the yeshiva. There is also a song written by Shaya Twersky A"h, to the words Al Tirah which has gained much popularity in camps etc. Musicians featured on the album include Ruby Harris, Rich Arrigo, Benny Koonyevsky (the Lion King), Ilya Lishinsky and others.