Siman Tov/Mazel Tov New from Sameach Music, it's the definitive wedding and Simcha album. This Double CD will feature over 75 different traditional, contemporary, Sephardic, Israeli and Chassidic music for all your Simchas & Happy Occasions. Stay tuned for an update on this album.
The 8th Note Coming soon from Yossi Green and Yossi Tyberg. A brand new CD featuring all new songs composed by Yossi Green. will include some of the biggest names in Jewish music singing all new songs composed by one of the most successful composers in Jewish Music. Each song will feature a different singer, the line up of stars includes:Avraham Fried, Mordechai Ben David, Cantor Yitzchok Meir Helfgot, Lipa Schmeltzer, Shloime Gertner, Ohad, Lev Tahor, Chaim Yisroel, AKA Pella (with music!) and a few more surprises. The CD will be in stores very soon.
Eli Gerstner's Menucha 2 Shema Yisroel will be completed soon, stay tuned for updates, cover debut and audio clips coming soon .
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