They're back! A.K.A. Pella, the sensational singing group that makes waves just about everywhere, is back again this Sefira with a brand new, highly anticipated album called A.K.A. Pella Platinum.
We don't need to remind you about this amazing group's history, but in case you've been living under a rock, the incredible singing group burst onto the music scene 5 years ago with their revolutionary album Premium Blend (or affectionately known by their fans as "the coffee cup" album).
After the success of A.K.A Pella 2 and A.K.A Pella's last release, Adaptation, the group crossed over into singing with real music, and was busy nonstop in the studio being featured as vocalists on some of the past years' most memorable productions, including Yossi Green's blockbuster, The 8th Note, The Kol Noar Boys Choir, A Time's Avodas Tzedaka featuring Shloime Kaufman and Friends, and Gershon Veroba's Second Impressions. All the while, A.K.A. Pella had been hard at work on their brand new acappella album, which is set for release Now
These guys are unbelieveable.
Best thing I ever heard Jewish Music wise.
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