Gold Label Productions? Yes. There’s a new production company in town, owned by Lipa Feldman who came up with this amazing idea. Every year thousands of Bochurim scour the globe to collect muchly needed money for Yeshivas, Mosdos and Tzedaka. Each group has its own unique way of being Mesameach the households that they visit. Most bring some kind of music with them. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was music specifically designed for this purpose? So Lipa contacted the most musically talented individuals he knows, the Freilach Band; Mendy Hershkowitz, Avrumi Schreiber and Nachman Dryer, they loved the idea so much that they went to work immediately. Selecting hits, from all sects of Chassidus and Yeshivish Oilam. Not just freilach sets but discos horas and a little of something new. Lipa (Gold Label Productions) contacted the hottest names in the wedding circuit to see what they thought. The response was so positive that there just wasn’t enough material for the amount of artists who wanted to participate. Seven of the most talented singers/performers are featured on this amazing project. In alphabetical order; Yoely Greenfeld, Levy Falkowitz, Yumi Lowy, Chilu Posen, Michoel Schnitzler, Shloime Taussig, Beri Weber and Yisroel Werdyger. Their vocals blend flawlessly with the music orchestrated by the Freilach band with arrangements by Mendy Hershkowitz. Yet they wondered how to “up the ante” even more. It was then that Yoely Polatseck of the renown Zemiros Choir stepped in to complete the.
We are proud to present to you the listener “Ad D’lo Yoda”, 30 minutes of flawless Jewish music. It’s sure to make listening to it, the most enjoyable 30 minutes of your day. So this Purim whether you’re in a group collecting, hosting a Purim party/Seuda or just driving the family around download this FREE track and enjoy.
Simchas Purim from: Gold Label Productions
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