Sunday, June 26, 2011

Avraham Fried ● Kama Tov SeNifgashnu - אברהם פריד ● כמה טוב שנפגשנו

Two years after Avraham Fried Released a cover of a song by Chanan Yovel, Rak Tefilla Avraham Fried is back in the limelight with Kama Tov SeNifgashnu the first single from his upcoming album that will include 10 new songs written especially for the best writers and artists including: Amir Benayoun, Ariel Zilber, Hanan Yovel, Yoram Taharlev, Kobi Oz, David D’Or, and more Lyrics by Chamutal Ben Zev. Composed by Yuval Shtupul