Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chanukah MusicFest featuring Shwekey, Lipa & 8th Day

Milk & honey Productions presents The Hottest Show of the Year! Chanukah MusicFest YAAKOV SHWEKEY LIPA 8TH DAY The “Ya’alili” Guys Music By The Yochi Briskman Orchestra Motzei Shabbos December 10th, 2011 – 8pm Brooklyn College Nostrand Avenue & Avenue I Tickets: $25, $36, $45, $55 – For VIP tickets: 718-677-1010 or Credit Cards: – Family & Separate Seating – Groups & Info Call 718-627-1386


Anonymous said...

brothers rabbis have rythem they know how to sing write and use the bible to put words together to form music a idea singers should do.
we have enough of love and breaking up songs. the bible is full of great words and if you know how to write songs and know how to sing them these are the guys who can do it