Sunday, December 18, 2011

Yehuda Glantz - Chay Vekayam - יהודה גלאנץ - חי וקיים

Yehuda Glantz is back again with a new music video Chay Vekayam Composed, Produced & Arranged by Yehuda Glantz  Musicians Dani Maman: Electric Guitar -- Meir Azor -- HH- Sner Drums -- Percussion --Acoustic Guitar -- Akiva Feldman - Chazanut Ashkenazi - Ofer Benita - D'Jembe - Neomi -- Shimon - Shmuel -- Osher Glantz - Vocals kids Gady Pugash - Violin Yehuda Glantz - Acoustic & classic guitar - vocals
Gadi Pugach & Yehuda Glantz: Mixed & mastered --  Yair Peled - Video Animation  for more on yehuda glantz go to