Featuring the songs of Reb Aaron Miller and his gifted sons, among them the noted chazzan, Reb Bentzion Miller. Reb Aaron was born in 1911 and was a staunch Bobover chassid before and after the war.
Arranged by Yudah B. Strohli, this album conatins original, hartzige, chassidishe songs, performed by the most popular chassidishe singers - among them SHlomy Daskal, Betzalel Gold, and Shlomie Toisig among others

This recording features songs composed by Shmuel Brazil with vocalist Dovid Gabay.

Produced by Ron Aniello, "Misplaced" is the very first 13-song all English album from The Moshav Band. "Misplaced" is filled with everything from in your face to beautiful ballads to a cover version of the Tom Waits classic, "Jockey Full of Bourbon." One of the ballads, "Streets of Jerusalem" was co-written by Larry John McNally (The Eagles, Bonnie Raitt, Joe Cocker). Imagine the jamming of Phish, the energy of Pearl Jam and the spiritual lyrics of U2 and you can begin to describe the unique sound of Moshav!
This album is amazing. I am also very excited about the new all Jewish record company called...oddly enough JMG Jewish Music Group who put out this album and the Moshav best of Higher and Higher. You can hear some of their releases on their myspace, which is www.myspace.com/jmgjewishmusicgroup
Hooray for more outlets for Jewish Music.
The new album is amazing. This is the Moshav album I was hoping for, great tunes, professional production, and some of their best songs ever.
I thin we should be hearing this on the radio soon.
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