JE Editors Note
Dear Readers,
With the Yomim Noraim behind us and Chanukah coming closer, I know that a lot of you are getting ready to travel. Over Chanukah lots of people take off and schools some time off. That said Yossi Leifer has some really important tips you need to know when traveling with your children. After the many responses we received last month over our Wine Selections we bring you the second cup. So if you see a bottle you know, learn something new about it, and for a new bottle, well you will be surprised at home many wine brands are really out there. This month's Home on the Kosher Range is a real treat. No doubt, many of our readers have already booked their flights or cruise ship berths for their upcoming winter vacation. But, don't miss the boat when it comes to kashrus and various other halachic issues which can arise. Providing kosher supervision to a "megaship" carrying over 4,000 guests, who are served more than 12,000 meals per day, is a gargantuan task! And, for those of you who get seasick and opt to fly the friendly skies this winter, there are some pointers that the alert kosher traveler should always bear in mind. This months Book Review is on Sara Yoheved Rigler's Holy Woman which is an ArtScroll best-selling biography. In the interview we have she speaks about her latest release, Lights from Jerusalem. Included as well is an excerpt from the book just to give you a little inside look. Mover and shaker Eli Gerstner is at it again with 3 simultaneous releases reassuring his presence in Jewish Music. Read all about the what , what and where, as well as how Eli gets it all done. Cantors World is at it again, with (you guessed it) Chazzan Helfgot. Read a little about what people are saying about the chazzan and what to expect at this event. Elly Zomick and Michael Sojcher co-own and manage Neshoma Orchestra. The band has been in existence for the past 27 years Read about how it all started and w hat they bring to a simcha. Check out the BIO section, where we feature the well known singer and now upcoming choir leader Yossi Goldstein. New art for a new age: Pioneer Dan Weinstein fuses fundamental Jewish themes with modern graphic art to create a new genre. See for yourself and read all about this new amazing talent. This months Rewind is A Tribute: IF WE COULD ONLY REWIND TIME AS WELL. Since it was R' Shlomo's yahrzheit two Shabbosim ago, we decided to try to dive into his career. His works influenced pretty much every singer in the last 50 years so read for yourself what it was like at the beginning. Dining this month features places around Florida. Be sure to see what's new and where it's at. Once again thanks for reading, and don't forget to keep an eye out for our amazing, super sized, Chanukah issue, our way of keeping you informed of all the major upcoming entertainment events. Well I don't want to give everything away so sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained.
With the Yomim Noraim behind us and Chanukah coming closer, I know that a lot of you are getting ready to travel. Over Chanukah lots of people take off and schools some time off. That said Yossi Leifer has some really important tips you need to know when traveling with your children. After the many responses we received last month over our Wine Selections we bring you the second cup. So if you see a bottle you know, learn something new about it, and for a new bottle, well you will be surprised at home many wine brands are really out there. This month's Home on the Kosher Range is a real treat. No doubt, many of our readers have already booked their flights or cruise ship berths for their upcoming winter vacation. But, don't miss the boat when it comes to kashrus and various other halachic issues which can arise. Providing kosher supervision to a "megaship" carrying over 4,000 guests, who are served more than 12,000 meals per day, is a gargantuan task! And, for those of you who get seasick and opt to fly the friendly skies this winter, there are some pointers that the alert kosher traveler should always bear in mind. This months Book Review is on Sara Yoheved Rigler's Holy Woman which is an ArtScroll best-selling biography. In the interview we have she speaks about her latest release, Lights from Jerusalem. Included as well is an excerpt from the book just to give you a little inside look. Mover and shaker Eli Gerstner is at it again with 3 simultaneous releases reassuring his presence in Jewish Music. Read all about the what , what and where, as well as how Eli gets it all done. Cantors World is at it again, with (you guessed it) Chazzan Helfgot. Read a little about what people are saying about the chazzan and what to expect at this event. Elly Zomick and Michael Sojcher co-own and manage Neshoma Orchestra. The band has been in existence for the past 27 years Read about how it all started and w hat they bring to a simcha. Check out the BIO section, where we feature the well known singer and now upcoming choir leader Yossi Goldstein. New art for a new age: Pioneer Dan Weinstein fuses fundamental Jewish themes with modern graphic art to create a new genre. See for yourself and read all about this new amazing talent. This months Rewind is A Tribute: IF WE COULD ONLY REWIND TIME AS WELL. Since it was R' Shlomo's yahrzheit two Shabbosim ago, we decided to try to dive into his career. His works influenced pretty much every singer in the last 50 years so read for yourself what it was like at the beginning. Dining this month features places around Florida. Be sure to see what's new and where it's at. Once again thanks for reading, and don't forget to keep an eye out for our amazing, super sized, Chanukah issue, our way of keeping you informed of all the major upcoming entertainment events. Well I don't want to give everything away so sit back, relax, and prepare to be entertained.
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