Adi Ran is the pioneer, the first to break through with what is called today the Jewish Music “trend”. He is the first to bravely combine Jewish culture texts with Rock-’n’-Roll melodies, presentation, arrangements and sound.
Adi’s career is a long and twisted one, dating back to the time when he was still non-religious, his musical background is rooted deep in the Rock-‘n’-Roll world with all its aromas. Adi Ran relates, “I worked on the album “Hitbonenut” for a year and a half, the songs were written over the past 4 years and have gone through many changes in the process.
I recorded the album in a wonderful studio in New Nesher, with the blooming scenery of the Galilee seen through the window. The long train trips to the studio, contributed a number of texts to the new album which will be called “Hitbonenut” and will be released IY”H in the next couple weeks. ‘On the outside he has fortified armor, but on the inside a human heart is beating…’.”
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