Tuesday, August 30, 2011


However one looks at Shtar, they are a unique group, both meticulous and different. Whilst preserving the values of authentic Jewish music, Shtar has found a way to take music to new heights, sounds of which the ear never tires.

Shtar is a fascinating band, due to the group's makeup. Five avreichim, chareidi musicians now living in Ramat Bet Shemesh who have made aliyah in order to immerse themselves in limmud torah in the Holy Land. Their days is spent in kollel, their evenings in song.

The unique group was formed when Ori M'Ori, writer of the lyrics, who hails from Seattle came to Israel for a two week vacation and decided to stay. Binyamin Adam, originally from Milford, near London, is responsible for orchestration and production. These two banded together and along the way collected Dan Isaac, another Brit, bass player Avi Sommers from New York and local drummer Tzvi Solomons. Together they are responsible for the liveliest Jewish music currently available.

"Music and song are one of the oldest and most basic ways to celebrate all manner of occasions, from King David to Matityahu the Hasmonean" explains Ori M'Ori. "We create music which is quiet and refined but which affects you inside. Our aim is to reach out and touch people with our music, to make them dance but also to think. We are looking to communicate through pleasure, and to get people to feel it." Shtar's
music is verily a treat for the ears. The group seek to get people hooked into Judaism through their music, hence their performances are for young audiences in yeshivas, colleges and on University campuses throughout the country and all over the world. The anglo accent and energy of these bochurim in white shirts, with tzitzit glinting in the stage-lights creates a uniquely charming atmosphere that carries the youthful crowd with it.